✅clean + Help plant growth and comprehensive development✅clean
✅clean soil nutrient tribat + Nurture crop in a long time without additional use of other fertilizer✅clean soil
✅phan bon + The logical structure facilitates root development✅clean enhanced ability to absorb nutrients helps crops grow better✅clean soil nutrient tribat
✅clean + Adequate nutrition and reasonable✅phân bón
✅clean soil nutrient tribat + Environment does not contain pathogens
✅phan bon + Non-toxic to humans and the surroundings✅phan bon
✅clean Ingredients:
✅clean soil nutrient tribat + Organic matter: 24✅PHAN BON SENDO91%
✅phan bon + The amount of humus: 14✅clean45%
✅clean + The total number N: 0✅clean soil90%
✅clean soil nutrient tribat + The total number K20: 0✅clean soil nutrient tribat73%
✅phan bon + The total number P2O5: 0✅phân bón30%
✅clean + CEC: 44✅phan bon69meq/100g
✅clean soil nutrient tribat + Secondary - micronutrients include: Mg✅clean soil Mn✅clean soil nutrient tribat Zn✅phân bón B✅phan bon Cu✅PHAN BON SENDO Mo✅clean Iron chelate form✅PHAN BON SENDO
✅phan bon + Remaining percentage is different particle levels✅clean
✅clean Directions for use:
✅clean soil nutrient tribat Using a mixture of clean soil nutrients to plants in the pots✅clean soil hole✅clean soil nutrient tribat foam box or planting in the garden✅clean soil✅clean soil nutrient tribat✅phân bón✅phan bonwith unlimited quantities✅PHAN BON SENDO When planting just gently press the soil around the tree and watered enough moisture✅clean
✅phan bon Replace old discolored soil in pots were planted perennials with TRiBAT in sufficient quantity✅clean soil
✅clean Use TRiBAT with a thickness of 3 - 5cm to plant clean vegetables or service for sowing the seedlings✅clean soil nutrient tribat
✅clean soil nutrient tribat